BACKGROUND: Voting Village & Speaker Track
In 2017, we launched the Voting Village at DEFCON, the first public forum where hackers and members of the public could have legal, unconstrained, hands-on experience with actual election systems used in the United States and elsewhere. It has become the premier venue for exploring the theory and practice of election security.
Over the past eight years, the Voting Village dramatically expanded its activities and audience, making a wide variety of voting machines and other equipment available to participants. This unique voting laboratory helps participants – in person and around the world – understand where gaps in security are, how to mitigate vulnerabilities, and why hackers are such an important part of investigating election security. Most importantly, the Voting Village helps election officials at all levels understand how to make systems more secure and more trustworthy.
The Voting Village will return for its eighth year at DEFCON 32, August 9-11, 2024. As in the past, the Voting Village will feature a 2-day speaking track (9th and 10th of August) that will highlight various aspects of election cybersecurity, including the technical components that make up our election infrastructure: hardware, software, and databases.
The DEFCON Voting Village invites you to submit papers and proposals for talks concerning the security of elections and election equipment. We are particularly interested in the perspectives of hackers, security researchers, voting system testing laboratories, election officials, legislators, and voting system manufacturers.
Please follow the submission process below.
If you are interested in giving a 25-minute talk, fireside chat, or panel as part of the Voting Village speaking track, please submit a proposal no more than 5 pages long by the submission deadline. Submissions received by June 15th, 2024 will receive full consideration. No submissions will be accepted after July 1, 2024, EOD. Presentations must have a research or educational focus. Promotions of products or services are not appropriate. The presentation must not disclose any classified or confidential information, and must be strictly nonpartisan.
Submit proposals via email to as an email attachment in a PDF format. Using any other format may delay review and decision. We are employing rolling selections and those selected to present will be notified at the latest by July 8, 2024, by email or phone.
Unless indicated as options, the following are required:
Summary of Presenter Information
Primary Speaker Name & Title (if presentation is requested to be made under nick/handle we will not publish the speaker’s name, only the handle)
Primary Speaker Email Address
Primary Speaker Phone Number
Additional Speaker name(s) and titles
Company affiliations and association memberships, if applicable
If the speaker(s) is endorsed by a board member, spokesperson, advisor for a non-profit, association, foundation, or similar entity, please mention the endorsement.
If the speaker(s) has presented at a previous DEF CON and/or Voting Village, please say when.
If the speaker(s) has presented at other notable security conferences before, please say when and include the title(s) of the previous presentation(s).
Please provide the URL for the presenter(s)’ website, wiki page, a public bio, or similar information.
OPTIONAL: Please provide your social media handles if you will allow DEF CON Voting Village to promote you to our social media followers.
Presentation Abstract & Outline:
Please provide a thesis and outline for your proposed presentation. (The full presentation is not needed for the proposal.) What are you trying to teach us? What will participants learn? What are the main points of your presentation? How does your perspective and topic elevate the issue of election and cyber security? What do hackers or the election integrity community need to know about this issue?
Please provide an abstract of 250 words or fewer.
If this presentation or the underlying paper has been given or are there plans to give it at another conference prior to DEFCON 32, please say where and when.
Speaker Bio(s)
Please provide a short bio (under 250 words) written in the third-person, to be used for printed signage and materials. Include any relevant professional or hacker history. You may include past jobs, tools that you have written, etc. Let people know who you are and why you are qualified to speak on your topic. If you prefer, you may write your bio under a pseudonym.
Supporting Files
Attach any available supporting files such as, code, white papers, proof of concept, etc.
Signed Submission Agreements (if required)
Notes & Provisions
If you are selected to present, please note that all sessions are open to the press and may be recorded and photographed. The pre-recorded presentation will be streamed on multiple platforms, some of which do not require registration and, therefore, we will not be able to identify or enumerate the audience. A photography and press waiver will be sent to all final presenters before the conference.
DEF CON is intended to be an educational opportunity, not a marketing opportunity.
We will help promote your session and work through social media, including through the Voting Village handle on Twitter @VotingVillageDC and on our Instagram @votingvillage.
Proposals are due July 1, 2024, by EOD. Late submissions will not be considered. Submit papers in PDF format via email to If you have questions, please write to Please allow 48 hours for a response.